??Get a Find Shop 15 PC Convex Concave Disc Cutter Punch 1/2" to 1"

15 PC Convex Concave Disc Cutter Punch 1/2" to 1" Info
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15 PC Convex Concave Disc Cutter Punch 1/2" to 1" Details
15 Pc Disc Cutter and Doming Set5 Pc Cutter / Convex / Concave from 1/2" to 1"Block size: 3" X 2-3/4" X 1-1/8" *** Wood stand size: 8-1/2" X 3-5/8" X 1-1/4"Cuts flat discs, forms, and cuts cone or domed shaped discsDomed discs are formed by using the convex and concave punches with the disc cutterSee More Details >>![Generic''15 PC Convex Concave Disc Cutter Punch 1/2]()