??Get a Best Price Shop Fox W1671 3/4 HP Heavy-duty Mortising Machine
Shop Fox W1671 3/4 HP Heavy-duty Mortising Machine Info
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Shop Fox W1671 3/4 HP Heavy-duty Mortising Machine Details
We designed this Mortising Machine to address all the frustrations we found in other models on the market. The super heavy-duty fence and hold down eliminates unwanted wood movement and "sticking chisels", an all too common complaint. The unique swiveling base allows easy off the bench operations and opens new possibilities for custom mortises. The extra height and depth capacity allows the use of much larger stock. The all-steel quick-adjust depth stop is easy to set and provides a positive stop. Features like a 22" long solid steel quick-positioning handle, 8-tool holder, easy two-door chuck access, large base and twin hardened and ground colunms insure perfect mortises every time.