??Get a Best Price 2013 Everlast PowerMTS 200 Mig Tig Stick 200a Multi Process Welder
2013 Everlast PowerMTS 200 Mig Tig Stick 200a Multi Process Welder Info
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2013 Everlast PowerMTS 200 Mig Tig Stick 200a Multi Process Welder Details
atures & Benefits
-All digital DC CC/CV Multi-Process design offers the perfect welder for nearly every task.
-Light- weight design makes the unit extremely portable, ideal for jobsites and motorsports.
8" Diameter wire spool capacity provides a good compromise for long duration welding and portability.
-Adjustable MIG Wave Form control manages slope/ inductance and fine tunes arc characteristics.
-Adjustable Arc Force Control allows the user to dial in desired Stick welding performance.
- Adjustable TIG Up/ Downslope allows the user to control the end of the welding cycle.
-Adjustable Burn back control keeps wire energized after feeding stops to burn back the wire to a perfect length without needing to trim wire for restarts.
-New! Foot Pedal Capable for TIG
-New! Spool gun Capable for MIG
- Exclusive 9 channel memory function allows favorite settings to be stored for quick setup.
- Lift Start TIG features quick starts without problems associated with High Frequency.
- 2T/4T torch trigger/latch function offers stepped control welding with TIG and MIG.
-Adjustable Pre and Post flow for TIG and MIG operation improves over all weld quality by reducing porosity during start/stops.